The Rickshaw Diaries

Updates and musings from my trip to Africa ...and formerly a documentation/narrative of my trip to India and South East Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand) with three friends and an open mind.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Dave's Bangkok Impressions

Hello friends,

Amar and I arrived in Bangkok at 6 am Saturday morning after a retched 2 hours of bumpy sleep on the plane. We hoped on a bus and headed into the city to find ourselves on Khao San Rd., which is a highly overcrowded traveler area. I am convinced there are more backpackers found here in one square block then the rest of the world combined. When compared to the kind of conditions and people we had been visiting in South India, it was a real shock. I might call it, anti-culture shock. After getting off our bus we ran into another traveler, Katie from Ireland/England (she was hesitant to specify which country she called home) who was also in need of lodgings. We decided that splitting a room three ways with a friendly stranger was better then splitting it two ways alone. She was a great resource as she had traveled all over the world and a very interesting and intelligent woman to share stories with. It was strange to have her so quickly into personal space and then just as quickly out of it. I guess that is a lesson I am beginning to learn about this whole traveling thing. The relationships you form are quite random and for very short periods of time, but these conditions allow for a real openness amongst the participants which translates into great communication. After finding a place and getting settled in, it was time to explore the city.

The main street is crowded and filled with shops, both street vendors and commercial stores. Everything here is super cheep and I am definitely going to go a little spend crazy when I return to Bangkok on my way back to India. The food here is unbelievable. If you venture a little off the main road you can find the best Pad Thai known to man for as little as 50 cents. Top it off with a nice cold Tiger Beer for less then a dollar and you are in Thai heaven for the duration of your meal. Eating on the street is also a great experience and watching the people pass by on their own expeditions is more then pleasurable. I often wonder where all these people are going and what they are thinking (queue up "People Watching" by Jack Johnson for sound track to this writing). Speaking of Jack, he seems to be a local favorite and we have herd him in the streets at least 5 times since arriving here, another reason to love the place.

Saturday night we were fortunate enough to run into our good friends Sam, Brenndan and Matt (fellow Queen's Engineers). It was fantastic to see some framilliar faces and share stories about our travels. It was a great night out on the town with great conversation, football atmosphere and a few beers. They made our night and we wish them well on their journies. It was sad to spend such short a time in their company, but such is the way of a nomatic lifestyle. Thanks again boys for such a great time.

On the downside, the continual hounding from vendors and beggars in Bangkok is getting somewhat tiring. It is difficult to feel sympathy when one cannot walk properly through the streets due to their efforts. We have gotten to the point now where we are almost rude to them, unfortunately. There are some amazing sites to see as we have ventured into some beautiful Buddhist Temples and monuments. The spiritual atmosphere is overwhelming and we have been fortunate to catch religious chanting twice on our visits. Buddhism is an interesting religion and seeing it up close and person has sparked an interest to learn more about it. The decoration and details used to highlight spiritual figures and teachings is overwhelming and one can't help but be sucked into their beauty. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting out of tourist Bangkok and seeing the real thing.

Well, as my entry gets longer and longer, I think it is time I bring it to a close. Amar and I are heading to Cambodia tomorrow on what has been describe as a tedious journey. I am confident with our combined skills we will make it in one piece. I hope all is well with each and every one of you and enjoy the sun, talk to you soon.


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