The Rickshaw Diaries

Updates and musings from my trip to Africa ...and formerly a documentation/narrative of my trip to India and South East Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand) with three friends and an open mind.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

It's a scam in Vietnam

I have good news about Vietnam. It has grown on me, significantly. Jenn and I made it down to the middle but southern half of Vietnam and all of a sudden the people were just incredible. It was interesting to see such a strong divide. We didn't need to watch our money, we got smiles returned and we didn't get kicked out of restaurants. The weather however wasn't so sweet. Typhoon Durian hit the coast and we're feeling it. It rained on and off for about a week. We actually arrived to one of the towns just to discover it was half underwater. When we arrived it was merely the street by the water that was flooded but by the time we had dinner, the water had risen by three roads and people were hiking up their pants or riding in canoes to get around. I couldn't believe the amount of water and the speed at which it flowed in. The craziest part about it was that it wasn't raining! This water rose for a solid 18 hours after the rain had stopped. Locals said it was coming from the hills but I can't say that I fully understand that phenomenon.

We went to the typical tourist trap Hoi An and had a ball. The food was new and tasty and the streets were a little smaller and quainter. Even though we had decided to be strong and resist the urge to shop at all the custom tailor shops, we gave within a mere 2 minutes of arrival. We spent days wandering from store to store trying on skirts, dresses, pants and even shoes. Jenn was all smiles at the thought of having pants that weren't floods. It's a lucky thing that we're heading home soon and won't have to cart the clothes around with us and it is equally lucky that in between all the clothes stores are luggage stores. (they're smart these Vietnamese)

We also rented motorbikes for the first time. It was exhilirating. We had to pretend that we knew what we were doing to get the bikes (which Jenn some how did!) and then we took off for a day biking around the town. We had to bike for 4km on the hwy (which isn't exactly the 401 but rather like a main street with cows, bikes, buses and vans flying at you). I went through every emotion possible on that bike. I was loving it, I was cursing the off balance bikers and pedestrians that were in my way, I was scared for my life and then I'd go back to giggling at the freeness of the bike. This was something that Jenn and I defintely should have done earlier.

Currently we're back in Hanoi getting ripped off and shoved around with every step. Luckily we've been able to keep our wits about ourselves mainly by watching other irrate tourists loose it, *grin*. We had a tearful but final night back at our favorite bar. The nicest but weirdest part was that the bartenders know us now since we've been in Hanoi (3 different times) and consequently that bar so often.

The trip is officially over at 3pm today as Jenn starts her marathon 5 day trek back to Canada. It's going to be really weird having to sleep in a room on my own and make my own decisions again. I think I might be curling up like a kid in my parents room when I get back just for the company. Like anyone that has come to Asia, and especially India, knows that you come here as one person and return as someone else. Jenn and I are no different. I could go on and on about what I've learnt and how I see the world now as opposed to then but quite frankly I haven't really figured it out yet. I'm not even too sure if I ever will.

I leave with Jenn for Bangkok tonight and then have a week diving around the beaches of Phuket with a best friend from Kindergarten. What a way to end the trip!

I'll leave you now with a few pictures of our 3 months and wishes to everyone for a very Merry Christmas. Thanks for reading.



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