After a long hard search covering two and a half countries, we've finally managed to locate an internet cafe with a connection fast enough to upload pictures...
so here we go, starting of course in Bangkok and including the infamous bus ride and randoms from Cambodia:

First night out in Bangkok...Sam and Davey

Yours truly about to enjoy a local delicacy, deep fried cricket, Bangkok (deelish!)
>>for the following, refer to previous post about bus ride from Bangkok to Siem Reap<<
There goes the diesel tank...

The replacement vehicle's (first) breakdown

All aboard (until yet another breakdown)

Sardine can to the rescue!

My favorite temple, Bayon

Dave's favorite, Ta Prohm

Angkor Wat (just before sunset)

Angkor Wat (sunrise)

Dave on one of the five towers at Angkor Wat

Last photo-opp at Angkor
>>Phnom Penh<<
Me with some random kid on the street

Taking a nap Phnom Penh style
We currently find ourselves in Dalat, a cool town in the mountains northeast of Saigon. The scenery is stunning, we went on a motorcycle tour to the surrounding areas (more on that soon). The plan is a trek tomorrow before heading down to the beach in Nha Trang for some much needed relaxation...
enjoy the pics, see you soon
so here we go, starting of course in Bangkok and including the infamous bus ride and randoms from Cambodia:

First night out in Bangkok...Sam and Davey

Yours truly about to enjoy a local delicacy, deep fried cricket, Bangkok (deelish!)
>>for the following, refer to previous post about bus ride from Bangkok to Siem Reap<<

There goes the diesel tank...

The replacement vehicle's (first) breakdown

All aboard (until yet another breakdown)

Sardine can to the rescue!

My favorite temple, Bayon

Dave's favorite, Ta Prohm

Angkor Wat (just before sunset)

Angkor Wat (sunrise)

Dave on one of the five towers at Angkor Wat

Last photo-opp at Angkor
>>Phnom Penh<<

Me with some random kid on the street

Taking a nap Phnom Penh style
We currently find ourselves in Dalat, a cool town in the mountains northeast of Saigon. The scenery is stunning, we went on a motorcycle tour to the surrounding areas (more on that soon). The plan is a trek tomorrow before heading down to the beach in Nha Trang for some much needed relaxation...
enjoy the pics, see you soon
Hey guys what's up? your pics are awesome. Did Davey buy a Sitar?
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